500+ participants / 80+ panelists / 16+ panels


Day 2

13:00 – 14:00

The Judiciary as the Guardian of Fundamental Values: Keeping the Rule of Law at the Center of the EU Accession Policy

Concerns over security have set the enlargement of the European Union (EU) back on capitals’ agenda. A new dynamic is at play. Yet consolidating democracy and defending the rule of law have not taken a backseat. They remain key prerequisites to the EU accession of the countries of the Western Balkans. How can the EU advance on both fronts? What reforms of the accession process should it strive for? How can it best support institutions and the development of a “constitutional culture” in society? How can constitutional courts and judicial systems in the Western Balkans strengthen the rule of law and institutional independence? The discussion will focus on the constitutional dimensions of the EU accession process and the reforms needed to ensure democratic resilience.



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