Dušan Janjić, born on March 28, 1950. in Vranje, Serbia, is the Founder and President of the Executive Board of the Forum for Ethnic Relations, Belgrade, Serbia.
He gained his Ph.D. (1987) on the relations between state and Nation and definitions of nation, from the Faculty of Law, University of Belgrade.
Janjić specializes in Sociology of Nationalism; Ethnicity; Ethnic Conflicts and their Resolution; Human and Minorities Rights; Political Movements and Ideologies; Peace Making and Peace Building.
He is also Senior Researcher at the Institute of Social Sciences, Belgrade; Visiting professor in Bosnia and Hercegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Montenegro, Slovenia: US; Belgium, Denmark; Czech Republic; Germany, Hungary, Finland, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Switzerland, and Sweden.
Janjic is the author of more than 100 editions (books, articles, etc.), as follows: An Open Question about Nation (1980); Vocabulary of a Nationalist (1986, 1988); Nation Determination (Analysis of “elements of nation”, nation determination, synthetic Determination of nation), PhD Thesis, (1987); State and Nation, (1988); Ideology, Politics and Violence (2009, 2010); Normalization Challenges (Analysis of the Negotiation Process and Implementation of the Brussels Agreement (2015); among others.