400+ participants / 50+ speakers / 15+ panels


Day 2

Academic Keynote Speech

09:05 – 09:15



Richard Steyne

Programme Manager in the Policy and Research Department at DCAF – Geneva Centre for Security Sector Governance

Richard Steyne is a Programme Manager in the Policy and Research Department at DCAF – Geneva Centre for Security Sector Governance, where he leads a project on linking good security sector governance to Sustainable Development Goal 16 on Peace, Just and Strong Institutions. His research and expertise centre on the role of security actors in democratic transition processes, focusing on designing appropriate oversight and control mechanisms. His previous posts include Senior Project Officer at DCAF’s Europe and Central Asia Division, where he managed projects on oversight of intelligence services, the rights of armed forces personnel, and parliamentary oversight of the security sector. Richard has co-authored a number of publications on the aforementioned, including a mapping study on security sector reform assistance in Ukraine; a legal handbook on the rights of conscripts; and a series of thematic briefs on intelligence reform. Richard has also worked for the Small Arms Survey and for the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), where he provided research support for reports commission on urban warfare in the Middle East.

Richard has a keen interest in the Middle East, and Europe and Central Asia, and has travelled extensively across both regions. He holds a B.A from in Politics and Philosophy from the University of Essex, and a MSc in Conflict Studies from the London School of Economics and Political Science.