Russia in the post-February 22nd world: How does the Russian government lead its foreign policy in newly created international relations?

The first parallel BSC session tackled the topic of “Russia: A Global Outcast or Still a Desirable Partner?” which was moderated by Wouter Zweers, Research Fellow, Clingendael’s EU and Global Affairs Unit. The panel focused on the Russian position in the world and its political system before February 2022 and how that position changed now with the aggression in Ukraine.
Hanna Notte, Director for Eurasia, James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies, stated that the conflict that Russia had with the West had occurred much earlier than February 2022. She emphasized that Russian foreign policy stayed continuous in the areas of the economy, with the military aspect being adaptive with buying weaponry from Iran. She pointed out that the political propaganda of Russia was still actively present in the states of the African continent and the Middle East. When discussing the Russian position in the Israeli-Palestinian war, Notte stated that it could be beneficial depending on how it plays out, keeping in mind the power that Russia contains in Syria, Lebanon, and Africa. She concluded that Russia gained favoritism in the Global South mainly because it is not “the West” and poses as the alternative to the USA.
Roberta Raducu, Ph.D., assistant professor at SNSPA- National University of Political Studies and Public Administration, and communication expert with New Strategy Center, highlighted that Russia was an aggressive country where freedom is a good exchange for serving the interest of Russia. She stated that the vision the Western world had of the future was not perfect, but at least it was free compared to the one Russia proposes. She emphasized the importance of education for both politicians and the public in regards to understanding the world and getting the right information.
Mikhail Korostikov, Independent Researcher, Carnegie Russia, and Eurasia Contributor: Former Head of Asia desk at Kommersant newspaper, pointed out the advantages Russia and China gained from their tight relations. He emphasized the economic contribution to both states, with Russia providing China with fuel and gas, and China providing Russia with technological products such as microchips. He emphasized that the China-Russia relations should not be criticised having in mind that Australia and South Korea both keep close economic relations with China, with its trade being increased by 33% in 2023.
Helena Ivanov, Associate Research Fellow, Henry Jackson Society; External Fellow, Belgrade Centre for Security Policy, pointed out the influence Russia had on Serbian politics, as 53% of its population supported Russian politics, whether it was positive or not. She found the correlation of these statistics with aversion towards American politics from the 1999 NATO bombing to its politics towards the issue of Kosovo. When asked about the global position of BRICS, she emphasized that its influence could be greater in the upcoming years if the member states decided to leave their political and geopolitical differences aside.